This is a dress i helped design and sew. I made my first creation!! I hope you like it! Its very girly and edgy at the same time, its perfect for a casual Saturday out in the mall!
Monday, January 24, 2011
I have recently purchased a pair of red pumps; A girls best friend! They go with almost every article of clothing and every event! Currently I'm very inspired by Gossip Girl, New York City and the 1960's - 1970's. Here are my examples of New York, and red. ENJOY! :
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Ready for geometry class anyone? This is my favorite because it is a very smart looking choice and it's super cozy! Even with the silk scarf! You'll be turning heads everywhere you go...
These are some recent outfits I've put together. Only my favorites! My sand colored motorcycle boots with the very feminine white dress and sweater with the flowered patterned tights always reedy for a casual movie watching session!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
I have a series of new designs that i would like to share! They very from style to style but they all have some fancy or casual qualities but i think you will like all of them! I will begin to upload them today!